2nd ICM+ Users' Meeting: Singapore, 2013
15th International Conference on Intracranial Pressure & Brain Monitoring
Dr. Peter Smielewski (Cambridge, UK) reflects on the role of ICM+ in the modern neuro-intensive care unit and comments on its progress over the last decade:
Dr. Zofia Czosnyka (Cambridge, UK) delivers a short tutorial on how and why to perform CSF Infusion Tests for diagnostics of hydrocephalus:
Dr. Ken Brady (Houston, USA) shows results of his highly-creative experimental work investigating some basic physiological relationships relating to cerebral autoregulation and methods of its assessment:
Dr. Bernhard Schmidt (Chemnitz, Germany) talks about his ICM+ plugin for the non-invasive assessment of ICP:
Dr. Marcel Aries (Groningen, The Netherlands) talks about the role of 'Optimal CPP' targeted therapy in the management of traumatic brain injury:
Dr. Celesta Dias (Porto, Portugal) discusses her experiences with multi-modal data acquisition and analysis in her neuro-critical care unit:
Dr. Karol Budohoski (Warsaw, Poland) shows some examples of using the advanced off-line analysis tool in ICM+ called ScriptLab, which allows interactive interrogation of the data using mathematical formulae and simple macro scripts.
Phil Lewis (Melbourne, Australia) describes how to use ICM+ to do batch analysis on hundreds of data files and how to summarise this data for statistical analysis using his ICM+ Tools Excel add-on:
Dr. Soojin Park (Philadelphia, USA) introduces her subject of interest, Heart Rate Variability, and describes how to use ICM+ for this purpose:
Dr. Magdalena Kasprowicz (Wroclaw, Poland) shows some examples from her biomedical engineering course:
Prof. Marek Czosnyka's reflections on the history of ICM+: