1st ICM+ Users' Meeting: Tubingen, 2010
14th International Conference on Intracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring
The session opening lecture by Peter Smielewski:
Ken Brady's valuable thoughts on the use of ICM+ across three areas of application: experimental lab, clinical research, and clinical practice;
Christian Zweifel's thoughts on multi-modal data acquisition and its challenges:
Christina Haubrich is explaining how to use cross-spectral analysis tools in ICM+;
Magdalena Kasprowicz explains the advantages of creating new 'virtual' physiological signals from the recorded set of data and demonstrates how to do it in ICM+:
Jennifer Diedler gives an overview on how the problem of artefacts in the data can be approached using ICM+:
Phil Lewis teaches about time series analysis using ICM+ and, even more importantly, explains how to analyze large number of data files and summarize then in one Excel spreadsheet using an automated approach.
Martin Soehle describes important issues associated with the configuration of data collection from bedside monitors using digital interfaces, using Phillips Intellivue and Hemedex CBF monitors as examples:
Bernhard Schmidt presents his ICM+ plugin for non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) using Transcranial Doppler (TCD) and arterial blood pressure (ABP) measurements:
Luzius Steiner's talk about his experiences with intraoperative monitoring of cerebral perfusion using the non-invasive technology of near-infrared spectroscopy: