An enhanced, special edition, 2-day ICM+User Group meeting is upcoming in Cambridge on 10-11 September 2018!
We are thrilled to announce that this year will see our first two-day workshop entirely dedicated to ICM+ software, suitable for all level of experience (even prospective users), and it will be held in a beautiful surrounding of Cambridge University, Homerton college.
Timetable and main topics
The main focus will be on the application of ICM+ to data analysis but the format will also include invited lecturers, as well as testimonies and cases from individual users.
Intricacies of the data collection process including integration of high resolution data from multiple monitors and clinical annotations will also be discussed and the participants will have a chance to gain hands-on experience using prepared mock data collection stations. At least three intensive hands-on sessions are planned and all participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own data, ready to discuss their individual needs and ideas.
Please follow the links below to find out more detailed information about…
- The full workshop TIMETABLE
- Our invited speakers and the LECTURES program
- The MAIN TOPICS that will directly involve you during the hands-on sessions
We hope that this will create a strong basis for continuing multicentre collaboration and provide a ripe environment for stimulating discussions promoting further monitoring projects and all round networking.
Missing TCD folder, please download from here
There is always a good time to make new friends!
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