Encapsulates 35 years of experience of brain monitoring gained using ICM (Intensive Care Monitor-DOS version 3 – Warsaw University of Technology), Computerized Infusion Test, Biological Signal Recorder (MREC and WREC – Warsaw University of Technology) and Cerebrovascular Laboratory Signal Analyzer (University of Cambridge).
Acute brain monitoring

Monitor analogue and digital inputs with ease
ICM+ lets you monitor multiple variables through analogue and digital inputs. View image

Multi-modal bedside brain monitoring
Covers a variety of aspects of multi-modal bedside brain monitoring: ICP, arterial pressure, brain oxygenation, blood flow, neuro-trending, brain temperature, microdialysis, and many others. View image

Instant cerebral autoregulation calculations
Calculates on-line indices describing autoregulation of cerebral blood flow, cerebrospinal compensation, vascular reactivity impedance-related parameters of cerebral arteries. View image

Allows for insertion of clinical annotations
Aids the integration of physiological monitoring with clinical observations using an extensive mechanism of user-definable events. All of the clinical notes and events are treated as paper-based doctor notes i.e. each entry is flagged with a time stamp and username, and is not editable once inserted. View image
CSF disorders diagnosis (infusion test)

Built-in CSF dynamics diagnostic tools
Incorporates various methods and tests used in diagnosis of hydrocephalus and CSF disorders: overnight ICP monitoring, infusion study, testing of performance of implanted shunts in-vivo. View image
Research tool with raw data archiving

Allows post-processing of raw data
In addition to time trends of various indices and summary measures of monitored signals, ICM+ also saves raw data, which enables the building of a library of signals for post-processing. View image

Uses configuration files that can be modified according to the user’s needs
Enables modification of existing methods of brain monitoring and development of new algorithms through extensive programming of signal analysis. Recent methodologies include ‘optimal CPP’, non-invasive ICP and CPP, functions for assessment of dysautonomia, complexity of brain signal, etc. View image

Built-in autoregulation tests
Supports testing of transient hyperaemic response, leg-cuff autoregulation and CO2 reactivity; calculates non-invasive CPP. View image
Other Features:
- Provides various time period-based chart tools for the investigation of time trends, properties, and correlations between them both in time and frequency domains.
- Provides tools for off-line data browsing/analysis including: magnifying glass, selection tool, summary statistics calculator, cursor that can be synchronized amongst panels, panels time synchronization tool, data filtering options (including median filter for spurious artifact elimination), annotations mechanism for marking up the analyzed data, intelligent file search tool, and more.
- Incorporates an extensive user security mechanism with easily-definable user groups and a privileges system.
- Complies with the Data Protection Act by providing strong encryption of all of the clinical data – it also facilitates data exchange between centres by providing additional selective encryption of patient-identifying details using user-defined passphrases.
- Stores the results in easily viewed files, exports data in text format, and imports data from previous applications.